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a project by S & B

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[Welland Tribune June 23, 1905]

Delicious ways of using bananas are given by Elizabeth W. Morrison in the May Housekeeper.

Cut half a dozen bananas into heaf inch slices and some bread into small pieces and place a layer of these in the bottom of a pudding dish. Add a layer of bananas, two tablespoonfuls sugar and one tablespoonful lemon juice. Repeat these layers until all have been used, having the bread on the topmost. Put over the top a tablespoonful melted butter and sprinkle lightly with sugar. Bake in a quick oven for half an hour. Put a  meringue on top and garnish with sliced bananas dipped in lemon juice

Place on a buttered dish six bananas peeled and cut in halves lengthwise. Baste with the following dressing: One level tablespoonful butter,juice of one lemon, Use half of this dressing and bake 15 minutes, then use the remainder and bake 15 minutes longer and serve either hot or cold, with currant jelly or fruit sauce.

Cut peeled fruit into two-inch pieces, set in lemon juice over night, then egg and crumb and fry in deep, hot fat. Serve with orange sweet sauce or use to garnish roast fowl or game.

Line a mold with jelly and decorate with thinly sliced bananas, set with a little more jelly. Rub three ripe bananas through a hair sieve, then add to them one ounce sugar, one tablespoonful gelatine dissolved in a little warm water, the juice of half a lemon, and three gills of stiffly whipped cream; pour into a mould and put on ice or in a cool place to set. Serve with whipped cream arranged at the base when unmolded.

.Pick over one quart strawberries, drain and mash them. Sprinkle over them one cupful sugar and let them stand until the sugar is dissolved.
Stir occasionally, then squeeze through cheese cloth or press through a strainer Peel four bananas, remove all the stringy membranes, cut them crosswise and arrange them on a shallow dish and pour juice over them. Keep in a cool place until ready to serve..

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