Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard
Canadian Cook Book, 1881
Potato Yeast
Three potatoes; boil and mash them in the morning; add one-quarter cup sugar, one-half cup flour, a little salt; after stirring well, pour over one-half pint boiling-hot water; stir and add one-half pint of cold water; stir that, and add one-half cup of yeast, and put it in a warm place. When it is risen well and rounds up to the top of the dish, stir it down. Do so several times during the day, and at night strain and put it in a jug. Keep in a cool place. It will be good a week.
Yeast Cakes
Boil one-half pound of hops in eight quarts of water until the liquid is very strong; then pour in fifteen or twenty large potatoes; let them boil until they are thoroughly done; take them out; pare and mash them fine. Put in the mashed potatoes a pint of flour, strain your boiling hop liquid into the flour and potato, taking care that the flour is well scalded. Add one pint of molasses, one teaspoon of ginger and one handful of salt; when the mixture is cool enough to put the hand in, rub it through a colander to reduce it to a fine pulp. Add a sufficient quantity of Pearl yeast to raise it, and let it stand in a large covered jar until morning; then add another bowl of flour, and mix the cakes with Indian meal. They must be hard enough to take up a quantity of dough in the hand; pat it together and cut it into slices. Lay the cakes as you cut them on plates or something that will not impart any taste to them. The cakes must be turned once the first day, and after that twice a day until they are thoroughly dry.
One handful hops, six large potatoes; boil together until well done, and strain through a colander; add sufficient water to make two quarts, and when boiling, stir quickly into one quart of flour and a little salt. When luke warm add one cake Pearl yeast.
Potato Bread
Three and one-half quarts sifted flour, one boiled potato. Large; one quart warm water, one teacup yeast. One even tablespoon salt. Mix at night; put the flour in a large bowl; hollow a place in the centre for the potato mashed, water and salt. Stir in flour enough to make a smooth batter; add Pearl yeast; stir in the rest of the flour. Put the dough on the floured board; knead fifteen minutes, using bately enough flour to prevent sticking. Flour the bowl, lay the dough in it, cover and leave to rise. In the morning, divide in four parts; mould into loaves; when light, prick, and bake in moderate oven.
Corn Bread
One pint corn meal, one pint bread sponge, two-thirds cup molasses, one teaspoon soda. Scald the meal; when cool add the sponge, molasses and soda. Mix with Graham flour stiff as cake; put in tins, and when light bake one hour.
Johnny Cake
Two eggs, three cups butter milk or sour milk, one half cup lard, one-half cup sugar, one cup flour, one teaspoon saleratus. One-half teaspoon salt. Three cups Indian meal.
Baking Powder Biscuits
One quart flour, four teaspoons Dunn&Co’s baking powder, a little salt-sifted together; add a full teaspoon of butter and sufficient water to make a soft dough. Roll out, and cut in cakes an inch thick. Bake in quick oven.
Tea Puffs
Two and one-quarter cups of flour, three cups milk, three eggs whites and yolks beaten separately; three teaspoons melted butter, a little salt. Bake in cups, in a hot oven.
Indian Corn Muffins
Beat one egg thoroughly; put in coffee-cup; add one tablespoon brown sugar, one tablespoon thick cream or butter; fill with butter milk or sour milk, two handfuls of corn meal, one small handful wheat flour, one-half teaspoon soda-rubbed into the flour. Bake in muffin rings on a griddle.
One cup of home-made yeast or half of a compressed yeast cake, one pint of sweet milk, two eggs, two tablespoons of melted butter, two tablespoons of sugar. Beat the butter, sugar and eggs well together; then stir in the milk, slightly warmed, and thicken with flour to the consistency of griddle cakes. When light, bake in muffin rings or on a griddle.
Muffins should never be cut with a knife, but be pulled open with the fingers.
If wanted for tea, the batter must be mixed immediately after breakfast.
One pint warm water, one teaspoon salt, Graham flour enough to make stiff batter. Have your irons and oven both hot.
Graham Puffs
One quart of Graham flour. One pint if milk, one pint of water, two eggs, a little salt. Bake in cups or gem pans.
Huckleberry Cake
One cup of sugar, one cup of milk, two and one-half cups of flour, one egg, butter the size of an egg, two teaspoons of baking powder, one and one-half cups of huckleberries. To be eaten hot, with butter. This makes a very delicate tea rush by leaving out the huckleberries, and using only half a cup of sugar.
Short Cake
Three teaspoons Dunn&Co’s baking powder, sifted with one and one-half pints flour; three tablespoons butter, rub into the flour; one-half cup sugar; teaspoon salt; one egg, beaten with one pint milk. Bake in jelly tins. Spread with butter, and put berries between layers.
One-half cup of sugar, one-quarter cup butter, one cup sweet milk, one pint flour, three eggs, two and one-half teaspoons baking powder. Bake in cups for tea.
Rice Griddle Cakes
For a small quantity, say one quart bowl full, take one egg, two-thirds of rice (cooked) to one-third flour; one teaspoon soda, two teaspoons cream tartar, or three teaspoons baking powder; sweet milk enough to make it right consistency.
Wheat Cakes
One pint sour milk, teaspoon soda, a little salt, two eggs, flour to make a thin batter.
If you want your waffles for tea, take one quart warm milk after dinner; put in two eggs, beaten; a small piece of butter; a small cup of yeast. Mix with flour a little thicker than wheat pancakes. Set by warm stove and they will be light for tea. Bake in waffle irons, greased.
Egg Toast
For six persons, take two eggs, one-half cup milk, flour enough to make a good stiff batter. Cut old bread in thin slices; dip into the batter, and fry brown in butter. Serve hot.
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