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[Welland Tribune October 6, 1943]

By Betsy Newman

If I suggest you use bacon in a dish that takes the place of meat in the menu and you have no bacon or no coupons for same, use bacon fat if you possibly can. You get the flavor anyway.

Today’s Menu
Savory Spaghetti
Creamed Celery
Grapefruit Salad on Mixed Greens
Apple Pie  Cheese  Coffee

Savory Spaghetti
1 lb spaghetti
3 slices bacon
2 medium sized onions
4 teaspoons of flour
3/4 teaspoon of baking powder
1 No. 3 can tomatoes or 4 cups of stewed tomatoes
1/2 green pepper
4 stalks of celery
1/4 lb cheese

Cook spaghetti briskly in boiling salted water, drain. Fry bacon crisp take out and cook onions, chopped fine, in hot bacon fat. Add bacon cut in small pieces. Dust flour over mixture over low fire ad rub slowly in until blended smoothly. Add tomato juice and pulp and baking powder; then add celery and green pepper diced. Cook until vegetables are tender, about 15 to 20 minutes. Dust grated cheese in, stir until it is completely melted. Serve generous spoonfuls of this savory sauce over each portion of cooked spaghetti. Serves 8. You may leave the celery out of the sauce if you prefer, if you have creamed celery as a vegetable.

Creamed Celery
Outside stalks of 3 heads of celery
3 tablespoons of butter
3 tablespoons of flour-fa1 1/2 cups of milk
Salt and pepper to tasteless

Wash and scrape celery and cut into 1-inch lengths. Cook in salted water until tender, drain thoroughly. Blend flour and butter, add milk a little at a time, stirring constantly till the whole boils and is thick.

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