Results for ‘D’
Deagle 1917 death
After a long and serious illness from tuberculosis there died at his late residence, Onondaga Road, Brantford, Ont at 2.30 Sunday morning, Sept 23. Ernest H. Deagle.
He is survived by his father, Samuel Deagle, a sorrowing wife (nee Sylvia Dilts of Welland) and two little children and five brothers all of Brantford.
Deceased was an earnest worker in Y.M.C.A. work in Welland a few years ago. Both Mr and Mrs Deagle were members of the Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges in Welland but on their removal to Brantford Mr Deagle transferred to —Lodge. At one time Mr Deagle was in the Barber business for himself.
The funeral was held Thursday from his father’s residence and was largely attended. At the house the services were in charge of Rev W.H. Wighton and Rev D.L. Campbell while the Oddfellows burial service at the graveside was conducted by Noble Grand Walter Holmes and Past Grand R.G……