Results for ‘M’
McNeil–Phillips 1917 marriage
A very quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs Robt A. Phillips, Queen St, Welland, on June 20th, when their eldest daughter, Margaret Isabell was united in marriage to Archie William McNeil of Thorold Township by Rev. J.D. Cunningham.
Only immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present.
After the ceremony the happy couple left amid showers of confetti and good wishes to spend their honeymoon in the highlands of Ontario. On their return they will reside at 139 Ross St, Welland.
Morningstar 1917 death
Again the reaper of Death has claimed a dear one, another vacant place is left in a household.
Mrs Mary A. Morningstar of Shelby, Mich., passes away on Tuesday August 7th 1917, at the home of her youngest son, Alvin Morningstar in Williamsville, N.Y, having attained the age of 80 years in March.
Services were conducted at the house on Wednesday pm the 8th, by the Rev J. Snearly of Williamsville. In the early morning of Thursday 9th, the two sons Jacob and Alvin accompanied the remains of their mother to Shelby, Mich, her former home.
There, funeral services were held in the Mennonite Church on Saturday the 11th, of which she was a devout and faithful member, after which, she was laid to rest in the cemetery by the side of her husband, Jacob Morningstar who predeceased her by many years.
She was endowed with great ability retained all her mental faculties and was of a kind, loving disposition and was loved by all.
She was taken ill during the winter, was confined to her bed most of the time, suffered severely, yet bore all with great patience.
She was the daughter of the late Reuben Green of Netherby. Her husband was the son of late Jacob Morningstar of Black Creek Ont. Mr and Mrs Morningstar lived on the old homestead at Black Creek for several years, moving from there to Shelby, Oceana P.O. Mich.
The eldest son, Edward lived there. Another son, Reuben Morningstar resides there, also two daughters, Mrs Henry Near and Mrs Martin Near.
The two sons Jacob and Alvin sold their homes in Michigan and purchased property in Williamsville, the mother coming later, making her home with the younger son. They will miss her much. Their children too, were much attached to grand mother.
Sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones.
Michener 1917 death
Ila K. Michener died at his home in Cainsville on Sunday, aged 70 years. He is an old resident of Humberstone Township. He is survived by two sons Elijah and Lels and three daughters, Mrs Park of Red Deer, Alta; Mrs Wallis of Port Cashing and Mrs Farr of Sherbrooke, Ont.