- BAD STORM - [Welland Tribune, 21 July 1905] St. Catharines, Ont., July 18-The severest electric storm of the summer visited this section last night. Several buildings were struck by lightning last more
- KILLED BY THE M.C.R - [Welland Tribune, 17 December 1897] Tillsonburg, Dec.12-About 1 o’clock on Sunday morning three young men left Tillsonburg in a buggy and drove northward to a hotel on the north side of the M.C.R. track, near the station. T... read more
- PORT COLBORNE - [People’s Press, 18 April 1905] The electric railway surveyors reached here last week, struck a pile in Port Colborne to connect with the Toronto and Niagara railway. The line comes up the canal, leaving it at the new road ... read more
- FATAL DYNAMITE EXPLOSION AT PORT COLBORNE - Frederick Haney and Chas. Hagendorn Killed. David Ireland Injured Frederick Haney, dead Charles Hagendorn, dead David Ireland, hands terribly mutilated and otherwise injured [Welland Tribune, 23 June 1905] Wild excitement pre... read more
- CANAL BREAK REPAIRED - [People’s Press, 23 May 1905] The poor old Cuba! Nothing but the hardest kind of luck has pursued her so far this season, and the breaking of the gates of lock 21 capped the climax. Captain Monpetit’s many friends express... read more
- A.T.H. &B TRAIN SAVED BY A SMALL BOY - [Welland Tribune, 9 June 1905] Buffalo, N.Y., June 6-The chief incident attendant upon last night’s severe storm in Buffalo was the averting by a small boy of the probable wrecking of a T.H. & B passenger train in the B... read more
- BANK PURCHASES BUSINESS BLOCK - Business Block of J.S. O’Neal Changed Hands Last Week [Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 1921] On Saturday afternoon, a deal was put through in which James O’Neal disposed of the property which he has occupied for the past f... read more
- THE LAND BOOM - [Welland Tribune, 8 August 1905] The scene of the local land boom has shifted south from Rainey’s Bend and Mr. Richards is now endeavoring to buy a block of about 200 acres south of the Chippawa road. The following are the ... read more
- ALFRED A. SALTER - [Welland-Port Colborne Evening Tribune, 26 February 1947] Alfred A. Salter died suddenly at his home, 1 Cady street in his 88th year on Tuesday, February 25th. His wife predeceased him only a few weeks ago. Funeral services w... read more
- THOMPSON-McCANN - [People’s Press, 3 October 1905] A very pretty wedding was celebrated on Wednesday, Sept. 27th, 1905, at half after eight at Grace Episcopal church on Niagara street, Buffalo, when Miss Mary McCann was united in marriage to... read more
- BURR LOCKHART PLATO - 1833-27 September 1905 [People’s Press, 3 October 1905] Burr Plato, the venerable patriarch of the colored settlement in this city, died in a Buffalo hospital on Wednesday night, at the age of 72 years. He had been ill for ... read more
- STANLEY MCNULTY - [Welland Tribune, 21 July 1905] St. Catharines, July18-A 15-year old boy, Stanley McNulty, son of John McNulty, owner of the Mansion House at Merritton , was drowned in lock 14, old canal, this afternoon about 4.30. The boy... read more
- DESCENDANT OF PIONEER FAMILY DIES IN TORONTO - EDITH MARLING KING [Welland Tribune, 22 February 1947] The death occurred at Wellesley hospital in Toronto yesterday, of a descendant of one of Welland County’s pioneer families in the person of Edith Marling King, native o... read more
- DISCOVERS 1923 PAPER IN DESK - [Welland Tribune, 21 February 1947] Louis Jacques of 66 Patterson avenue brought a copy of the issue of The Welland Tribune and Telegraph, January 9, 1923 to The Tribune office yesterday, It proved to be an interesting docume... read more
- PIANO TEACHERS FOR 56 YEARS MRS ROWE DIES - [Welland Tribune March 13, 1947] Fonthill March 13-Mrs Grace Rowe, one of Fonthills older citizens passed quietly away early Sunday morning at the home of her sister Mrs F. Kinsman, Mrs Rowe who was in her 77th year was the... read more
- LAST RITES FOR ERNEST F. SHUTE OF QUAKER ROAD - [Welland Tribune March 1, 1947] Quaker Road, March 1-Funeral services for Ernest F. Shute who passed away at his home here on Saturday Feb. 22, after only a day’s illness, were held Tuesday from the late residence... read more