Welland History .ca

a project by S & B

Welcome to WellandHistory.ca

Results for ‘ •News/Info•’

Hello Visitors!

WHY are we doing this project? ..To Preserve History.

An article from the The Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 11 July 1922, describes what we are trying to present with this website.

PHOTO:  Fred and Ethel Fox, “Winter Travels”

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We thank the The Welland Tribune and Telegraph for their contribution.


[Feb 21, 2023] Introducing “ARCHIVES Search“: Located at the top right portion of the side menu.  Select the desired month+year from the dropdown options and the system will list all the posts that were made to the website at that time.  NOTE: Tales and Events each have their own independent Archives Search function.
[Jun 8, 2022] NEW USER LOGINS have been suspended as we investigate a recent hack to the database. The site is currently READ-ONLY mode to UNREGISTERED USERS.  Only REGISTERED users may still log in to comment.

Search Tips..

Use the main Search box at the TOP RIGHT of this page for your general research. When you need a narrower search, you may like to use the Search feature in this post to limit a search within a Family group.

What’s HOT Off The Press..

  • BECKETT’S BRIDGE BOX SOCIAL - [Welland-Port Colborne Evening Tribune, 1 March 1947] The O’Reilly”s Bridge Women’s Institute held a successful box social on Thursday evening. Feb. 27th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cosby and Mr. and Mrs. Ila Mich... read more
  • BAD STORM - [Welland Tribune, 21 July 1905] St. Catharines, Ont., July 18-The severest electric storm of the summer visited this section last night. Several buildings were struck by lightning last evening.read more
  • KILLED BY THE M.C.R - [Welland Tribune, 17 December 1897] Tillsonburg, Dec.12-About 1 o’clock on Sunday morning three young men left Tillsonburg in a buggy and drove northward to a hotel on the north side of the M.C.R. track, near the station. T... read more
  • PORT COLBORNE - [People’s Press, 18 April 1905] The electric railway surveyors reached here last week, struck a pile in Port Colborne to connect with the Toronto and Niagara railway. The line comes up the canal, leaving it at the new road ... read more
  • FATAL DYNAMITE EXPLOSION AT PORT COLBORNE - Frederick Haney and Chas. Hagendorn Killed. David Ireland Injured Frederick Haney, dead Charles Hagendorn, dead David Ireland, hands terribly mutilated and otherwise injured [Welland Tribune, 23 June 1905] Wild excitement pre... read more
  • CANAL BREAK REPAIRED - [People’s Press, 23 May 1905] The poor old Cuba! Nothing but the hardest kind of luck has pursued her so far this season, and the breaking of the gates of lock 21 capped the climax. Captain Monpetit’s many friends express... read more
  • A.T.H. &B TRAIN SAVED BY A SMALL BOY - [Welland Tribune, 9 June 1905] Buffalo, N.Y., June 6-The chief incident attendant upon last night’s severe storm in Buffalo was the averting by a small boy of the probable wrecking of a T.H. & B passenger train in the B... read more
  • BANK PURCHASES BUSINESS BLOCK - Business Block of J.S. O’Neal Changed Hands Last Week [Welland Tribune and Telegraph, 1921] On Saturday afternoon, a deal was put through in which James O’Neal disposed of the property which he has occupied for the past f... read more
  • MAJOR EVAN E. FRASER - [Source unknown] One of Welland county’s most useful citizens, who has acquitted himself creditably as a business man, soldier and public official. He is a  native son of Welland county and is a scion of one of the promine... read more
  • WEDDING – HOFFMAN-CLARK - [Welland Telegraph  November 27, 1907] The marriage of Miss Francis Victoria Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs William Clark, to Edward S. Hoffman was celebrated at 6.30 o’clock on Wednesday evening at Ridgeway. Rev. Dr. Laid... read more
  • WEDDING – TWOHEY-STULL - [Welland Telegraph August 27, 1903] A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the Church of the Incanaculate  Conception, Buffalo, on Wednesday morning, August 19th, When Jas E. Twohey, Phm.D of Buffalo, formerly of Port Colb... read more
  • WEDDING – BOOTH-HOLDER - [Welland Telegraph April 24, 1903] On Thursday, April 9th, Mrs Mary Holder and Mr. William Booth, both of Port Colborne were  united in the holy bonds of marriage. The ceremony  took place in Buffalo at the home of the brid... read more
  • WEDDING – KING-SCHNEIDER - [Welland Telegraph May 15, 1903] Wedding bells rang out in our midst on Tuesday, April 28th, when Miss Kate King, daughter of Mr and Mrs George King, was married to Peter Schneider, of Niagara Falls, Ont., son of Jacob Schnei... read more
  • WEDDING – YOUNG-MICHAEL - [Welland Telegraph January 9, 1903] At Sherkston on Christmas day, at the home of the bride, by Rev W.H. Swayze, Mr. Maitland S. Young of Crowland to Miss Clarence May Michael, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Nelson Michael.read more
  • WEDDING – SPRINGER-CASTLE - [Welland Telegraph September 24, 1903] A Happy wedding took place last evening at eight o’clock at  Lorain, at the residence of Mr. Jesse Dann, when Mr, Chas. Springer of the township was married to Mrs. Castle of Buffalo.... read more
  • WEDDING – O’SHEA-MULLEN - [Welland Telegraph July 3, 1903] On Wednesday morning at 8 o’clock one of the prettiest weddings which have taken place in Niagara Falls in some time was celebrated at St Patrick’s church. The principals in this interesti... read more



The Sisters and myself at the Convent of Less Said are most excited about the new adventure of our very own Sister Mary JudgeNot, Theatre Critic and newly appointed Lovelorn Columnist. She has been selected from numerous applicants at the convent to rewrite the newspaper commentary of the late Dorothy Dix, a forerunner of the modern advice columnist, for this most distinguished Welland County history website. In her own unique style, Sister will attempt a few fashionable words after each article to illuminate the advice of Miss Dix.


Introducing The MURALS

[May 4, 2015] We just added some pictures of MuralsEnjoy!

Welland Murals

Written and photographed by S.

In the 1990s I took a stroll downtown Welland, with my camera. I photographed the lovely murals. Colourful scenes depicting historical moments.

The project was started in 1986, by the city of Welland, to beautify the city of Welland. They commissioned artists from across Canada to paint murals on the side of buildings.

The murals at one time were a great tourist attraction.

Welland’s murals hold many memories for the people of Welland.

Unfortunately, many of these murals are in disrepair and some have disappeared. There was no plan in place to maintain these murals resulting in their demise.


It has been a wonderful year working on the special old articles we so enjoy gifting to our historically minded friends. We sincerely hope that this work will be available to the children of the future that will share our interest in the stories of the past. As Santa proclaims in this 1931 photo, “These Are My Jewels!”

Christmas in Welland..

We’ve collected some wonderful Christmas postcards.  Click HERE.

Book list..

We’ve added a comprehensive list of books and other resources about Welland.  Select BOOKs from the top menu.

Buchner 1905 death–971

Buchner 1905 death--971 (, , , ) –