Results for ‘ •RECIPES•’
[Welland Tribune August 4, 1905]
Huckleberry Buns
For huckleberry buns, beat an egg and half a cupful of sugar together. Add three-fourths of a cupful of sweet milk. A level teaspoonful of flour, a pint of flour sifted with two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, and at the last, a cupful of berries dredged with a part of the pint of flour.
Bake in a shallow tin or in muffin pans.
Berry pudding
Mix together one beaten egg, a tablespoonful of butter, melted after measuring, one small cup of flour, to which one teaspoon of baking powder has been added, and enough milk to make a batter of the consistency of cake dough. Butter a baking dish, put into it half the batter, then a half box of berries strewed with a half cup of sugar; pour in the rest of the batter, and sprinkle with sugar.
Bake. Eat with sweetened cream or pudding sauce.
The Wholesome Blackberry
The blackberry is one of our most delicious midsummer fruits as well as one of the most wholesome. Its astringent quality renders it of particular value during the hot weather when little disorders of the system are prevalent according to the August Housekeeper.
Blackberry cottage pudding is a pleasing variation. Beat to a cream two tablespoonfuls butter and a cupful sugar. Add one well-beaten egg, half a cupful milk, two cupfuls flour in which has been sifted two teaspoonfuls baking powder and a pinch of salt. Beat to a smooth batter and turn over a thick layer of sugared blackberries in a well buttered agate or granite baking tin. Bake for half an hour in a quick oven, turn out on a heated dish, and serve in squares with a hard sauce flavored with the berries.
Blackberry jam pie is another dainty. Line a deep pie-tin with good paste and fill it with a mixture made as follows: Add one cupful sweet cream to three well beaten eggs; add one tablespoonful sugar and three tablespoonfuls blackberry jam. Bake 20 minutes. Heap over the top a meringue made with the whites of the eggs and six tablespoons powdered sugar. Let color a pale brown in a cool oven, and serve either hot or cold. For tarts fill little pastry shells with the white of an egg and two tablespoonfuls powdered sugar. And brown delicately in a cool oven,
Blackberry bread pudding is wholesome dessert. Stew the blackberries for 10 minutes, sweeten to taste and then fill up a pudding dish with alternate layers of the hot fruit and thin slices of buttered bread from which the crusts have bee trimmed.
Put a plate on top and bake in a moderate oven for half an hour. This is excellent eaten hot with a rich sauce or served cold with cream and sugar. A broad batter pudding is another delightful change. Place three thick slices of bread in a bowl and cover with a pint of cold milk. When thoroughly soaked, add three well beaten eggs and sufficient flour to make a batter as thick as for dumplings. Beat all thoroughly together, then add a tablespoonful melted butter and a pint floured blackberries.
Stir the berries lightly through the dough and pour into a buttered mould. Cover tightly and steam or boil for three hours. Serve hot with a cream sauce made by beating half a cupful each of butter and sugar to a cream, add the beaten yolks of two eggs, and stand the bowl containing the mixture in a pan of hot water until perfectly smooth. Flavor with lemon or vanilla, if desired.
[Welland Tribune September 1, 1905]
Pickles should never be kept in glazed ware, as the vinegar forms a poisonous compound with the glazing.
A cooking authority says that a few grains of salt sprinkled on coffee before the water is added will bring out and improve the flavor.
Before frying bacon soak it in water for three or four minutes. This will prevent the fat from running. And will make the bacon go farther.
Chocolate Icing—Boil one cup light brown sugar and about one-third of a cupful of sweet milk for five minutes. Add one or two small squares of chocolate, melted and stir all well together. Take off the stove and beat until the mixture begins to granulate. Spread on cake.
When working in the kitchen, protect your dress and apron by wearing a thin white oilcloth. To make it quite neat, bind it with braid and attach strings to the upper corners. This needs only to be washed off when soiled and can be discarded in a second if there is a ring at the doorbell.
Potato Cakes—Take three pints riced or mashed potatoes. Season with salt and mix with the yolks of two eggs. Have the whites beaten stiff and add them next, whipping them into the mixture. Now add a pinch of sugar and flour enough to make somewhat firm. Roll out and bake on a well-buttered griddle pan. Serve with jam or syrup.
Maple Cream—Break a pound of maple sugar into bits and put on the stove in a granite pan with a cup of milk. Bring to a boil, then add one tablespoonful butter. Cook until a little dropped in cold water becomes brittle; take off and stir briskly until it begins to granulate. Pour on a greased pan and mark into squares with a knife.
Sweet Potato Pone– Grate four large sweet potatoes, raw; mix with them a large spoonful of butter, a cup of molasses, a cup of sugar, pounded orange peel, the yolks of two eggs, a pinch of soda, a tablespoonful of powdered ginger, a teaspoonful of cinnamon, half teaspoonful cloves; add a little salt, put in deep pan, sprinkle sugar over the top and bake.
Caramel Pudding—Put a cup of sugar in a pan dry, and set on stove. Let melt and become slightly brown. Now pour on two cups sweet milk, and leave on stove until the hard taffy-like mass dissolves. And comes to boiling point again. Now stir in a tablespoonful of cornstarch dissolved in a little milk and mixed with two well-beaten eggs. Cook until done, stirring constantly, Serve hot or cold, with cream.
Ice Cream—A thin custard made of milk, eggs and cornstarch makes a very good ice cream, when well flavored and frozen, although many prefer just the pure sweet cream, boiled sweetened and flavored. The following makes a delicious frozen cream, which has the advantage of novelty; Beat an egg and add to it one cup of sugar ad one cup of strong coffee. Cook over boiling water until smooth, then let cool and flavor with vanilla. Now whip a pint of sweet cream sell and fold into the custard, freeze.
Coffee Cookies–Beat a half-cup of butter and a half-cup of lard to a cream; with a cup of brown sugar; add a cup of molasses, stirring in a pinch of baking soda dissolved in tablespoonful of hot water; beat hard, stir in a cup of strong coffee, a tablespoonful of ginger and teaspoonful of cinnamon.
Add enough flour to make a dough that can be rolled out, roll into a sheet three-quarters of an inch thick, cut out and bake for fifteen minutes.
Fruit Pudding No. 1
Into a pint of flour sifted with one and a half teaspoonfuls of baking powder, rub a rounded teaspoonful of butter, add a level teaspoonful of salt, a half pint of milk, and raisins or currants—a generous cupful well dredged with flour. Or if you prefer, you may put in fresh fruit, such as berries or cherries. Put into a greased pail. Cover tightly, and stand in boiling water for one and a half hours.
Fruit Pudding No. 2
Make a batter of a large cup of flour, one-half cup of milk, a large lump of butter as big as a butternut and a little salt. Melt the butter and whip all to a smooth batter. Fill the deep part of a soup plate with the fruit—berries, cherries, peeled and sliced peaches, plums, apples, rhubarb or whatever fruit you desire—sprinkle thickly with sugar and pour over all the batter. Bake in a quick oven.
[Welland Tribune September 8, 1905]
Onions peeled under water do not disturb the eyes.
To vary the ever present lettuce sandwich use mayonnaise on the bread instead of butter and add chopped olives to the lettuce.
Please tell the housekeepers how to keep fresh fruit. When brought home pick over, rejecting all unripe or overripe fruit. Put into glass airtight jars, screwing the covers on. Set beside the ice on your ice box.
Canned Peaches—Select fine freestone peaches; pare, cut in two, and stone them. Immerse in cold water; taking care not to break the fruit. See that the peaches are not overripe. Place in the kettle, scattering between the layers—the sugar should be in the proportion of a full tablespoonful to a quart of fruit. To prevent burning put a little water in the kettle. Heat slowly to a boil for three or four minutes.
Dried peaches and apples—pit peel and cut to suit; dry partly and then pack them in jars, spreading sugar thickly between layers. Tie down and they will keep well and be delicious for pies and sauce. They may also be dried without sugar and put away for use.
Dried peaches—Halve the fruit. Remove the stones, fill the cavities with white sugar, and dry in a moderate oven. The fruit, if first-class peaches are used, will be found delicious, almost equal when stewed to preserves.
Cream Peach Pie—Pare ripe, juicy peaches and remove the stones; have your pie dishes ready lined with a good paste; fill with peaches; cover with sugar; slightly butter, and the bake without an upper crust. When the pie is done, pour in a cream made of the following ingredients;–One cup of rich milk put over to boil, stir in the whites of two eggs, whipped, one tablespoon of sugar, one-half teaspoonful of cornstarch wet up in the milk. Boil three minutes. The cream must be cold when it goes into the hot pie. Place over the top the white of an egg beaten and sweetened. Return to the oven and brown. To be eaten when cold.
Raspberry and Currant jam—Either raspberries or currants may be made into jam by this rule, but the mixture of raspberries and currants is much more delicious. To five pounds of raspberries and five pounds currants add five pounds granulated sugar; mash the fruit and sugar together, and boil gently until it will jelly upon a cold plate. Put in small jars and cover.
Gooseberry Jam—Take equal quantities of gooseberries and sugar, and mash thoroughly. Let stand for two hours, and then cook over a hot fire until the fruit settles to the bottom of kettle. Care must be taken not to scorch jam, as any fruit cooked with the seeds is liable to settle and stick to the bottom of the kettle.
Marmalade– All kinds marmalades are not only delicious but wholesome, and since jams have somewhat fallen into disrepute the popularity of marmalade is increasing. For making marmalade a porcelain-lined kettle is better than granite ware, as it is thicker, and constant attention and thorough stirring must be given to prevent the mixture from adhering to the bottom of the kettle. Marmalade requires longer cooking than jam, because the gelatinous skins are rejected. The fruit is cooked until it is soft and then strained through a puree strainer. The sugar is then added, and the mixture cooked very slowly until it is smooth and when cooled on a plate is firm and free from juice. As is the making of jams, better results are obtained by mixing the fruit, or at least adding a cup of currant juice to either raspberry or strawberry marmalade.
Raspberry Marmalade—Cook the raspberries until soft in a small amount of water, and then press through a puree strainer. Add three fourths pound of sugar to every pound of the pulp, and cook, slowly, stirring constantly until, when a portion is cooled, it can be cut with a knife.
Pickled onions must be small, of even size and perfectly round. Peel them but do not cut the tops and roots close enough to break them apart. As fast as peeled drop into strong brine and let stand for twenty-four hours. Then drain in collander or on sieve and dry with a cloth. Drop into glass jars. Spice vinegar with whole cloves, cinnamon stick, mace, peppercorns, using about a tablespoon of the mixed spices for each quart jar of onions. Heat the vinegar scalding hot and then cool it and pour into the jars over the onions. Cover the jars to keep out the dust and let stand three days, on the second and third days pouring off the vinegar, scalding it and pouring it over the onions. On the third day seal them up.
Some housekeepers boil the onions in equal proportions of sweet milk and water to keep them white. Others parboil them in salted water, blanch and cover with spiced white vinegar, adding a very little sugar.
For mustard pickle use about equal proportions of tiny green cucumbers, large ones cut into dice, thinly sliced green tomatoes, cauliflower broken in small tufts, small string beans or large ones cut in small strips, green grapes, green radish pods, nasturtium seeds and a very small white onions.
Make a brine with a pint of salt to one and one-half gallons of cold water. Soak the vegetables over night in this. Drain off the brine in the morning, scald and pour over the vegetables again, and let get cold. Again drain. To each gallon of vinegar allow a pound each of mustard and curry powder, half cup of salt, one cup brown sugar and half a teaspoonful cayenne. Add salt and sugar to the vinegar while heating. Mix the mustard, curry powder and cayenne to a paste with a little of the vinegar and add to the rest, and when scalding hot pour over the vegetables. If you prefer a thick mustard dressing, mix a little flour with the mustard, etc.
[Welland Telegraph 1900]
Fried Tomatoes
Roll sliced tomatoes in corn meal, (first sprinkling them with salt) and fry in hot butter. Place carefully on a hot dish and pour over them a gravy made as follows,–Let 1cup milk come to a boil, stir in 1 tablespoon flour rubbed smooth in table spoon butter, cook until smooth and thick
Panned Tomatoes
Wipe half a dozen large ripe tomatoes, cut in two crosswise, set them in a baking dish, skin down, and bake slowly for half an hour in a moderate oven. If the oven is too hot or if they are baked too long they will lose their form. When done, sprinkle with seasoning and put a small piece of butter on top of each.
Scalloped Tomatoes
Butter a pudding dish, put in a layer of sliced tomatoes, sprinkle with salt and little bits of butter, then cover with a layer of bread crumbs and continue this until the dish is full, having the top layer of crumbs and bits of butter. Bake in a quick oven for one-half hour. Serve hot in the dish in which it was baked, with a clean, white napkin neatly pinned around it.
Green Tomato Pickle
One peck green tomatoes thickly sliced, 6 onions sliced thin, put into a colander, sprinkling 1 cup of salt between. Let them stand over night and drain thoroughly. In the morning put into a kettle with 2 lbs sugar, 2 tablespoons each mustard, ginger, cloves and cinnamon, 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Add vinegar to cover, boil 15 minutes; if not soft, a little longer.
Wine Jelly
Wine jelly is not only a nice dessert, but is one of the best things for an invalid. To make it take one-half cupful of cold water, one pint of boiling water, the juice of one lemon, one cupful of sugar and one cupful of sherry wine or of Sicily Maderia. Soak the gelatin in cold water until it is soft. Add the boiling water, stir until the gelatin is dissolved, then add the sugar, lemon juice and wine. Stir well and strain through a fine napkin into a shallow dish. Keep on the ice until hard. When ready to serve cut in cakes or diamonds or break it up lightly with a fork. If you wish to serve it in a moulded form use only two-thirds of a pint of boiling water. Very pretty effects can be obtained by lining the mould with orange quarters alternating with thin slices of candied citron, but great care must be taken when pouring the mixture into the mould not to displace the fruit.
Huckleberry Cake
To make it, pick over one and one-quarter cups of huckleberries, wash dry and dredge them with flour. Then cream together one-quarter cupful of butter and one-half cupful of sugar. Add it to the beaten yolk of one egg and one cupful of milk. Stir into it a mixture of two cupfuls of flour, one-half teaspoonful of salt and two even teaspoonsfuls of baking powder. Fold in the stiffly beaten white of the egg and add the berries last, being careful not to break them. Bake in muffin tins or a shallow pan for an hour and serve hot.
Canned Elderberries
Take nice ripe elderberries, wash fill the cans, and as you fill shake down the berries; fill the cans heaping full, then put in cold water. so that it runs over the top of the can. Put on a new rubber, screw down the top, turn bottom side up for a minute, and if no water comes out, put the cans in cold water, with something underneath, let come to a boil, boil 20 minutes, remove screw down the tops, let stand three days bottom side up, then turn them back carefully. They will keep for years in this way.
Date Gems
One cup dates cut fine, 2 cups sweet milk, 1 large spoon butter, 1 teaspoon baking powder and 3 cups flour. One beaten egg should be stirred in with the flour. Bake in gem pans 20 minutes in a hot oven. Chopped dried fruit may be substantiated for the dates.
Bread Sauce
Cook half a cup of bread crumbs and a cup and a half of milk over hot water for twenty minutes. Add a tablespoon of butter, salt and pepper to season. Brown half a cup of bread crumbs in a tablespoonful of butter and sprinkle liberally over both timbales and sauce
Apple Pudding
A delicious pudding is made from apples in this way,–Take six, peel, and core them and fill the centre with sugar. Arrange the apples in a baking dish, add a quarter of a cup of water, cover and bake until nearly done. Then pour over them a batter made with four eggs, a pint of milk, a scant pint of flour sifted, with a teaspoonful each of salt and baking powder. Bake about twenty minutes and serve with hard sauce.
Boiled Calves Liver with Bacon
Have the liver sliced at the market, wash it well in salt water, then drain it dry. Brush it over on each side with melted butter. Lay it on the broiler and broil till done, first on one side, then on the other. Place on a hot plate and season with salt and pepper and butter. Broil the bacon one minute and place around the liver; this is far better than frying.
Corn Oysters
Take six ears of boiled corn, three eggs and one and one half tablespoonfuls of flour. Beat the yolks very thick; cut the corn off the cob, season it with pepper and salt, mix it with the yolks and add the flour; whip the whites to a stiff froth, stir them in with the corn and yolks. Put a dessertspoonful at a time in a pan of hot butter and fry to a light brown on both sides.
Cut off the kernels from a dozen of sweet corn. Put in a saucepan with a quart of lima beans, a quart of veal stock, and let them simmer steadily till the corn and beans are tender. Add a cup of milk, piece of butter; pepper and salt to taste.
Preserved Pineapple
Pare the pineapple and carefully pick out every particle of the eyes. A small, pointed silver knife is the best for this work. Either pick off with a fork or grate off, the soft part, rejecting the hard core. Weigh, and allow three-quarters of a pound of sugar to each pound of fruit. Put all together in the preserving kettle, stir well, stand aside over night. In the morning, bring to a boil, skim and cook slowly half an hour. Pour into jars and seal.
Currant Jelly
To make currant jelly wash the fruit and drain it in a colander. Then put the fruit in a dish and mash it thoroughly, after which squeeze the juice from it through a double piece of new cheese cloth. Measure the juice and an equal quantity of sugar. Put the juice into a preserving kettle and boil it for twenty minutes skimming it frequently. Put the sugar on plates in the oven and heat it through, but do not brown it. At the end of the twenty minutes add the sugar to the juice and boil for five minutes, Try a spoonful on a plate and if it jellies it should be moved from the fire. Fill into glasses and seal them tightly.
Tomato Omelet
Tomato omelet is excellent. and is not as well known as it deserves to be. Scald and skin three tomatoes, melt a small piece of butter in a saucepan, to which add a teaspoonful of chopped onion, and another of chopped parsley, season with pepper and salt, put in the tomatoes, and let them remain in the butter for two minutes. Turn out the mixture and set it aside till quite cold, beat up three whole eggs, and mix in the cold tomatoes. Place a lump of butter, about the size of a walnut, in a frying pan, when it dissolves,pour in the mixture, leave it over the fire until the edges are firm, and then hold the pan in front of the fire until it rises to the top. It should be served at once. Canned tomatoes can also be used for this.
[Welland Telegraph 1900]
Kruger Pudding
Incorporate thoroughly one pint of sweet milk and four large tablespoonsful of sifted flour; four eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately, one teaspoonful of baking poweder and one shake of salt. Pour into a buttered bake-dish and bake thirty minutes. Serve immediately, with the following sauce,–One teaspoonful brown sugar, two tablespoonfuls softened butter, one tablespoonful thick sweet cream, and two tablespoonfuls of ice water. Stir until it is foamy
Fricasseed Lobster
Put the meat of two lobsters cut into small pieces, with the fat and some coral, in a frying pan with a little pepper, salt, one-half cup milk or cream, one cup water, butter size of an egg, and one teaspoonful Worcestershire sauce. Let simmer until liquid has a rich red color. Take a tablespoonful flour, rub into it one-half tablespoonful butter, stir this onto one-half cup hot milk, then add the beaten yolk of one egg. When ready to serve, stir this into the lobster, and add one tablespoonful sherry wine.
Oyster Pie
Line a pudding dish with a rich pie paste. Drain the oysters put them in in layers, seasoning with pepper, salt and a little mace with a few dots of butter. About half as many sliced mushrooms and continue until the dish is full. Pour in the oyster liquor with a little cream, cover with crust and bake until brown.
Egg Vermicelli
Boil three eggs twenty minutes. Separate the yolks and chop the whites fine, toast four slices of bread. Make one cupful of thin white sauce with one cup of cream, one teaspoonful of butter, one heaping teaspoonful of flour, half a teaspoonful of salt and half a teaspoonful of pepper. Stir the whites into the sauce and when hot pour it over the squares of toast. Rub the yolks through a fine strainer over the whole. Garnish with parsley.
Cooked Sardines
Scrape the sardines and place them in the oven to heat. Beat the yolks of four eggs, add one tablespoonful each of tarragon and cider vinegar, a teaspoonful of made mustard, one-fourth teaspoonful of salt and one tablespoonful of butter. Cook over hot water until thick, stirring all the time. Remove the crusts from slices of bread and saute them in butter until delicately browned, drain on soft paper, arrange on a hot dish, pile the sardines upon them and pour over the sauce.
Date Patty Cakes
Mix one third of a cup of soft butter with one and one-third cups of brown sugar. When partly mixed break in two eggs and beat together till light. Add one-half cup of sweet milk and one and three-fourths cups of sifted flour in which has been stirred two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Mix till smooth, then stir in one-half teaspoonful each of cinnamon and nutmeg. Last of all add one half pound of dates, which have been stoned and cut in pieces. Beat hard for two minutes, bake in small heartshaped patty pans in a moderate oven. When cold frost with vanilla icing.
Mint Sauce
Pick leaves of fresh young spearmint from the stems, wash and drain them on a cloth, chop them fine, put them in a gravy boat, to three tablespoons mint add two tablespoons of fine granulated sugar, mix thoroughly, let stand a few minutes, pour over this six tablespoons of white vinegar. Prepare this some time before serving, that he flavor of the mint may be thoroughly extracted.
Farina Balls
Scald one pint of milk in a double boiler, sprinkle in one-half of a cupful of farina and one-half of a tablespoonful of salt, stir until the farina is swollen, cover and cook for three-quarters of an hour. Add ten drops of onion juice, one tablespoonful of chopped parsley, a dash of cayenne and the beaten yolk of one egg. Mix thoroughly, cover and set away until cold. Mould it into small balls, dip each into slightly beaten egg, roll in fine breadcrumbs and fry in smoking hot fat.
Fried Canned Salmon
Separate the pieces of fish after having carefully removed it from the can, salt them slightly and roll in fine bread crumbs; then add another sprinkle of salt and drop them into the frying pan which should be half full of boiling butter and lard–equal quantities of each and fry them until they are of a delicate brown. Then lift them carefully out, drain for an instant, lay onto a hot dish, and ornament with sprigs of parsley.
Baked Suet Pudding
When carefully made baked suet pudding is a most palatable dish. To one cup of boiled milk add three-quarters of a cup of sifted yellow cornmeal and stir until smooth and well scalded. Add one cup of molasses, one teaspoonful of salt and two tablespoonsful of sugar. Make a mixture of one cup of suet chopped fine, one quart of cold milk, one cup of currants, seedless raisins or dried berries and add to the boiling milk and meal mixture. Bake slowly for six hours and let it stand in the oven over night, or, if possible, until the fire goes out. Serve with butter and cream.
Fish A La Creme
Take one and three-quarters cups cold flaked fish, one cup white sauce, one half slice cup buttered cracker crumbs, a bit of bayleaf, a sprig of parsley, salt and pepper, scald milk for the making of white sauce with bayleaf, parsley and onion. Cover the bottom of small buttered platter with one-half of the fish, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and pour over one-half the sauce, repeat. Cover with crumbs and bake in a hot oven until crumbs are brown.
[Welland Telegraph 1900]
Corn Dumplings
Cook a piece of shoulder of pork into a big pot until tender, then mix the desired quantity of corn meal to a thick dough as in making bread (the addition of an egg to the dough improves the dumplings). Drop balls of the dough about the size of a walnut in the boiling water about the meat in the pot, and cook 20 minutes when the dumplings will be done and will have a thick gravy around them. Take care not to let the mixture burn. The fat and juices of the meat season the dumplings excellently.
Stewed Beef and Onions
Cut one pound of beefsteak into pieces, melt one ounce of the dripping in a stewpan which has already been dredged with flour. Turn meat about until it is brown, but not cooked, and add two sliced onions. Stir all together, and then cover the meat with good gravy. Let all simmer very slowly until cooked, then take up the meat and thicken the gravy with half an ounce of dripping rolled in flour. Garnish with small sprigs of boiled cauliflower and baked tomatoes and serve.
Cauliflower with Cheese
Trim off the outer leaves and soak. head downward, in salted water. Place in a saucepan, head up, covering with boiling salted water, and boil gently but steadily until tender when tested with a fork then drain. Break off the branches and put on layers in a baking dish with salt, pepper and grated Swiss or American cheese Pour over all about. a pint of white sauce, cover with a thick layer of buttered bread crumbs and place in a hot oven until browned.
Beef Loaf or Cheap Roast
Take two pounds lean beef, the tougher parts will do. Put in a chopping bowl and chop fine, or run through a sausage mill. An eighth of a pound of fat pork also chopped fine, one quart rolled crackers, work all together in a bowl, season with salt, pepper, sage, and onion. Bind together with two eggs, make into loaves and bake basting often. This will be found an exciting substitute for roasts and is much cheaper, and there is no waste. It is very good cold.
Jam Cake
Cream together one cup sugar and one cup butter. add three beaten eggs, three tablespoons sour milk in each one teaspoon soda has been dissolved, half teaspoon each of ground cloves, ground cinnamon, ground allspice and grated nutmeg, one cup any kind of jam and two cups flour, to be baked in a loaf. Raisins chopped may be sustituted for the jam if desired.
Baked Beans
One quart small pea beans. Soak simmer till tender. Put the lean strip from one pound pork in a bulging bean pot, add one small onion, most of the beans, the fat pork with the rind scraped and scored, the remaining beans, and water to fill the pot, with one teaspoon, each salt and mustard and two tablespoons molasses. Bake very slowly eight or ten hours. Cover until the last hour.
Chicken Oyster Pie
To make a chicken oyster pie, melt a little butter in a deep baking dish, scatter over it cracker and bread crumbs, then add a layer of chicken meat, picked up fine; then a layer of oysters, over which put salt and pepper and bits of butter, then a layer of cracker crumbs; alternate with the oysters and chicken till the dish is full, seasoning each layer. Pour over the whole oyster liquor, to which add a well-beaten egg and a cupful of milk. Put bits of butter on top and bake an hour
Ham Omelet
Mince the ham fine, and allow one egg to each tablespoonful. Beat the yolks till light, season with salt and pepper and stir in the ham; beat the whites stiff, and fold then into the mixture. Butter the omelet pan or the spider, pour in the mixture, and after it has set on the bottom put in the oven to finish. When done, fold double, and lift to a hot platter. This is a most toothsome way of disposing of bits of cold ham either boiled or fried..
Eggs and Tomato
Put one pint of canned tomatoes in a saucepan, add one-half tablespoon of salt, one-quarter teaspoonful of butter and cook until reduced one-half. Take from the fire a moment or two, then add three eggs well beaten and stir till the mixture thickens like custard. Pour over buttered toast and serve.
Steak With Tomatoes
With a sharp carving knife split a thick round steak, thus making two thin steaks. Spread the lower half of this with bits of butter, a little minced ham and a cupful of tomatoes. (use the canned tomatoes, straining off the juice and reserving it for the sauce). Lay the upper half of the steak, sandwich-wise, upon the lower half and fasten the two together with small stout skewers. Lay the meat in a covered roasting pan, dash a cup of boiling water over it and cook, allowing twenty minutes to each pound. Transfer to a hot dish, remove the skewers and pour over the steak a savory tomato sauce.
Cheese Muffins
These are nice in cold weather for lunch or supper. Make a raised muffin batter and when filling the tins scatter on finely cut cheese, Some prefer to insert one wedge shaped piece in each. With good coffee they constitute a satisfying beginning for those blessed with good appetites, and the pleasant odor stimulates those who must be tempted and attracted by novelties.
Chocolate Bread Pudding
One cup stale bread crumbs, two cups scalded milk, one ounce chocolate, one egg, three quarters of a cup of sugar, piece of soda size of a small pea, vanilla to flavor. Soak the crumbs in the milk and add the soda. Melt the chocolate by standing over hot water, add a half cup of the sugar and a half cup of milk drained from the bread. Beat the egg and remaining quarter cup of sugar, add chocolate mixture and soaked bread; bake an hour in a well buttered pudding dish.
Peach Cordial
To make peach cordial at its best select ripe juicy peaches. Rub the down off thoroughly and gash them to the stones. To each peck of the peaches allow one gallon of French brandy. Pack in a stone jar, cover tightly and let stand for two months. Then draw off the brandy from the peaches and add enough cold water to reduce it to the strength of good white wine. To every three gallons of this mixture add four pounds of white sugar, stir thoroughly, cover and let stand for three days, stirring well each night and morning. Then pour into bottles or demijohns, cork tightly and serve as required.
Parsnip Croquets
Scrape and wash five nice parsnips; cut into oblong pieces, place in boiling water, boil until tender. When done mash and salt to taste, with a teaspoonful of butter. Make them into oval balls the size of an egg and half an inch thick. Fry in a little butter until brown and serve hot.
[Welland Telegraph 1900]
Asparagus Soup
Cut the tender points off three bunches of asparagus and break the rest of the stalks into little pieces. Cook the stalks (not the points) until perfectly tender in a little boiling water. Drain, rub the pulp into a colander, and add three pints of milk. The tips should be cooked for 15 minutes in slightly salted, boiling water, and then add to the asparagus pulp and milk. Let it all boil up, season to taste, thicken with a little flour and pour into a hot tureen. Serve immediately with squares of toasted bread.
Boiled Asparagus
Use only the young, tender stalks of asparagus, and cut them in inch pieces, cook them gently in salted boiling water until done. Drain off the water and lay the asparagus on slices of buttered toast. Thicken 1 cup boiling milk with 2 teaspoons flour, rubbed into one tablespoon butter. When quite smooth and thick remove from the fire, add the beaten yolk of an egg, and pour over the asparagus and toast.
Asparagus Points
Cut off enough heads in 2-inch lengths to make three pints. Cook in a little boiling water until tender, drain, add 1/2 cup cream, season to taste and serve hot.
Asparagus On Toast
Wash and cook in bunches until thoroughly tender, drain, untie the bunches, lay the stalks neatly on hot buttered toast and pour over them a cream dressing made as follows,–Let a pint of sweet cream come to a boil, season to taste, and thicken with one teaspoon flour rubbed smooth in a little cold cream.
Asparagus And Peas
Asparagus and peas are very nice served together. Break the asparagus in inch pieces, pod the peas, look them over carefully and put together in boiling water to cook until tender. They should be of proportionate age to cook evenly. Only sufficient water to cook them in should be used. When done, if too dry, add a cupful of milk and thicken with a teaspoon of flour. If fluid enough, thicken with a teaspoon of flour, add a small lump of butter and season to taste.
Rice Milk
Pick over and wash half a pint of good rice, and boil it in one quart of water till it is quite soft. Then drain it, and mix with it one quart of rich sweet milk; next add half a pound of raisins cut in bits; set this over a brisk fire, and stir it frequently till it boils, When it boils hard, stir in alternately two beaten eggs, and flour large tablespoons of brown sugar; let it continue boiling ten minutes longer; then take it from the fire, and send to the table hot
Iced Coffee
Put four dessertspoonfuls of coffee into a jug, with a few grains of salt, which softens the water, pour on one quart of boiling water, cover over and place at side of the fire for ten minutes, then pour a few cupfuls gently backward and forward to clear it; cover it again, and let it settle for ten minutes; then strain it through fine muslin, add three small tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, one one half pint of cold milk and one half pint of cream, or if more convenient, all milk; place on ice for about six hours before required and at the last moment put in a pitcher with a large piece of ice.
Beef And Bacon
To one pound of chopped beef add half a pound of chopped bacon. Mix well season with pepper. The bacon will make the beef salt enough Make into round flat cakes and boil or fry. If fried have a very hot frying pan with half butter and lard just enough to keep the meat from burning. Serve hot. Good for warm weather dinner..
Lemon Turnovers
Rub one ounce of loaf sugar upon the rind of a lemon, crush and dissolve it in two tablespoonfuls of milk. Add three dessertspoonfuls of flour, two ounces of clarified butter, and two well beaten eggs. Stir all over the fire for a minute. Take a pound of good pastry, divide it into six or eight pieces, and roll each one out into a round shape about the size of a saucer, spread a little of the mixture on one half of the round, fold the other half over, fasten the edges securely and bake in a buttered tin in a moderate oven, Sift a little sugar over it. This is sufficient for six or eight turnovers.
Cherry Dessert
An inexpensive dessert is made of cherries and bread. Stone the cherries and stew gently for a few minutes and sweeten to taste. Cut a few slices of bread that is two days old. Fresh bread would not answer. Butter these slices liberally and cover the bottom of a pudding dish with them. Add a layer of the warm stewed cherries. Add another layer of buttered bread, and so alternate until the fruit is used. Then bake. This pudding may be eaten either cold or warm.
Cherry Sauce
Put a small pot of red currant jelly into a stewpan, together with a dozen cloves, a stick of cinnamon, the rind of two oranges, a piece of glaze, and a large gravy spoonful of reduced brown sauce; moisten with half a pint of Burgandy wine, boil gently on the fire for twenty minutes; pass the sauce through a tammy into a bain-marie, add the juice of the two oranges, and just before sending to table boil the same. The juice is especially appropriate with red deer or roebuck, when prepared in a marinade and larded,
Baked Custard
Boil one quart of sweet milk with a large stick of cinnamon broken up in it. When the milk has boiled, take it from the fire and set it aside to cool. Beat very light six eggs, and stir them by degrees into the milk when it is quite cold, and add gradually quarter of a pound of white sugar. Fill some cups with it, put the cups in a large pan and pour around them boiling water to reach nearly to the tops of the cups. Put the pan into a moderate oven and bake twenty minutes, Send them to table cold. You may bake the whole in one large dish if you prefer.
[Welland Telegraph 1900]
Spanish Chocolate Cake
Grate half a cake of Baker’s chocolate, mix with 1/2 cup of sweet milk and yolk of one egg. Put on the back of the stove, when thoroughly warmed and dissolved set off to cool. Take 1 egg and the white of one, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup butter, teaspoonful soda dissolved in 1/2 cup water. Add the chocolate and flour to make a thin batter that will pour smooth. Bake carefully.
Raspberry Vinegar
Put three quarts of ripe raspberries in an earthen bowl; pour over them a quart of vinegar; at the end of 24 hours press and strain out the liquor and turn it over another three quarts of fresh ripe berries. Let it stand another 24 hours; again extract and strain the juice, and to each pint add a pound of sugar, and boil for 20 minutes. Turn it into bottles, and cork when cold. When used as a beverage dilute the raspberry vinegar with three parts of water.
Clover Cordial
Make a strong decoction of red clover blossoms by first drying them in the shade, then steeping in water to cover. Strain and reduce by boiling. To every quart add a pound of sugar and a pint of New Orleans molasses. Stir until the sugar is dissolved and reduced to the consistency of not very thick molasses. Cool and bottle. Some add half a pint of alcohol as a preservative, but if stored in a cool dark cellar, it will keep in warm weather without this.
Raspberry Preserve
Allow equal weight of sugar and fruit. Pick over the fruit carefully and lay inside the largest and firmest berries. Mash the remainder, and put on to boil for ten minutes., then squeeze them through a cheese-cloth put this liquid on to boil with the sugar, remove the scum, then put in the whole berries; let them boil up once, skim them out into jars, filling nearly full. Boil the syrup down until there is about enough to fill the jars then put the berries back and boil up once more, fill the jars, and seal quickly.
Cucumber and Tomato Salad
Peel the cucumbers and cut in thin slices let stand in salted water five minutes. Take the same amount of ripe tomatoes, peel and slice thin. In a glass dish place a layer of the cucumbers and then a layer of the tomatoes, alternating until the dish is full. Make a dressing of vinegar, olive oil or melted butter, 1 teaspoon to 1 cup vinegar, season with salt and pepper, and turn over the cucumber and tomato, enough to nearly cover. Let stand five minutes and serve.
Raspberry Jam
Allow three-quarters of a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit. Place the fruit with the sugar in the preserving kettle, let stand a few minutes to extract some of the juice from the fruit; then place it on the fire and cook until it becomes thick, consistent mass. Stir it frequently to break the fruit. When it becomes tender, use a potato masher to crush it. When it looks clear put a little on a plate and if it thickens it is done. Put it in tumblers and cover.
Lemon Pie
Pour one cup of hot water over four tablespoonfuls of fine stale breadcrumbs, add a pinch of salt, one half cupful of sugar, rind and juice of one lemon and two egg yolks well beaten. Line pie plates with a good pie crust; pour the lemon filling in the plate and bake in a quick oven twenty-five minutes; cool a little; make a meringue with the whites of the eggs and two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Spread this over the pie and sprinkle with powdered sugar, put in a slow oven to brown slightly.
Potted Tongue
Was a fresh beef tongue, cover with boiling water, and one-half of a teaspoonful of salt and simmer slowly for three hours. Skin it, trim off the fire with one pint of the pot liquor, salt nd pepper to taste, one-eighth of a teaspoonful of cloves, a dash of nutmeg, a teaspoonful of onion juice and one quarter of a teaspoonful of made mustard. Simmer slowly until the liquid is almost evaporated, then cool and pound to a paste with one-quarter of a pound of butter. Pack into small jars, pour over sufficient melted butter to cover and set in a cold place. This will keep for a week in summer and a fortnight in winter.
[Welland Telegraph 1900]
Watermelon Salad
Cut the red portion of a well-chilled watermelon in small cubes. Place two cups of the dice in a salad bowl; have ready a mixture of four tablespoons of sugar, one teaspoonful of grated nutmeg. Sprinkle the cut melon with this; pour over a wineglassful of orange juice and serve.
Currant Catsup
Ten pounds of currants, mashed and strained through a cloth. Add one quart of vinegar, five pounds of granulated sugar, three tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, two of allspice and one each of cloves and salt and one-half teaspoonful of red pepper. Boil slowly one hour and put up in small bottles.
Almond Peaches
This is a luncheon dainty or dinner dessert, served with ice cream. Select as many fine, red-cheeked peaches as there are guests. Wipe carefully and halve, removing stones. Fill each half with following paste,- Beat white of 1 egg stiff, add powdered sugar till creamy and one cup mashed peaches, one cup rolled macaroons. Fill each half peach with the same. Arrange on white china platter. Decorate here and there between well-washed, glossy, tiny peach twigs and leaves.
Pineapple Pudding
One can of shredded pineapple, one fourth box of gelatine, five eggs the whites only, one pint of whipped cream, one pint of water, one cup of sugar. Drain the syrup from the fruit, pour one-half
the water over the gelatine and allow to stand thirty minutes, then pour the syrup, sugar and remaining water into the gelatine, place on the fire and allow to come to a boil, only; pour over the eggs, which have been whipped stiff and fruit, beat for twenty minutes, mould; at serving time turn from the mould, cover the top with the whipped cream. This should slice in three distinct shades.
Tomato Wine
One bushel of ripe tomatoes will make 5 gals of wine. Pick off the stems, mash them in a clean tub or a granite or porcelain-lined kettle, then strain through a cheese-cloth bag and add 3 lbs of coffee or light brown sugar to each gallon. Put in a cask and let ferment for 36 hours, skimming off the impurities that rise to the top. Cork and seal tightly after fermentation is over. It is better to bottle domestic wine than to use casks or demijohns. Bottles are more convenient to handle; and then the danger of air getting in from repeated openings is avoided. A curious creole method to make wine perfectly clear is as follows– To 1-2 gallon of wine add 2 wineglasses of sweet milk. Stir into the wine and pour all into a transparent half-gallon bottle or jar. Stop it and set to one side for 24 hours, when the wine will be clear, the sediment all being in the milk at the bottom. Carefully pour off the wine and bottle, not shaking or stirring up the milk in the process. The same practice will clarify vinegar.
Huckleberry Dumplings
To 1 qt. flour add 1 teaspoon salt, 2 heaping teaspoons baking powder, 2 tablespoons butter and one pint of milk. While sifting flour add salt and baking powder. Then rub in butter cold, add milk. Mix to a soft dough. With large cookey cutter cut in separate pieces. In each, place berries and fold in oblong shape. Bake in well-greased pans. Serve with butter and sugar sauce or sauce quoted above, substituting huckleberries.
Creamed Fish in Rolls
Take a piece of salmon, codfish or other boiled fish, free it from skin and bones, pick up fine. Take half a dozen dinner rolls, cut off a thin slice of the top crust, scoop out all the bread, leaving the hollow crust, mix the crumbs with the fish; season well with pepper and salt. Make a cream sauce with a half pint of rich milk, two tablespoonfuls of butter and as much flour; cook until it begins to thicken, then add the fish and bread crumbs; boil until quite thick, when fill the empty rolls and put on the top crust. Garnish with parsley.
Jellied Oranges
Take half a dozen oranges and cut them in half with a sharp knife; scrape out all the pulp, notch the skins around the edges, and put them in cold water until they are wanted. Put all the pulp in a jelly bag squeeze out the juice and add to it enough water to make three gills, add an ounce and a half of gelatine dissolved in one and a half cupfuls of boiling water, the juice and grated rind of a lemon, half a pound of sugar, the crushed shells and beaten whites of three eggs. Stir over the fire until it boils, put a lid on and simmer for eight minutes. Take it off, let it stand until partly cooled, when strain through a hair sieve. Take the orange shells out of water, wipe dry and fill with the mixture. Pack in ice and when wanted for use, whip cream stiff, flavored with sugar and very little vanilla, put half of an English walnut or a candied cherry on top of each and serve in a lace doily on individual plates.
[Welland Telegraph November 1900]
Baked Cauliflower
A good firm head should be soaked in slightly salted cold water for at least an hour. It is then drained, put in a saucepan with boiling water, salted again and simmered gently for fifteen minutes. Drain once more. and separate the cauliflower into flowerets, putting the pieces in a baking dish with a little boiling milk, butter and seasoning of salt and pepper. Sprinkle the top with cracker or bread crumbs, and put in the oven long enough to brown.
Salmon Trout
Tie a cleaned trout in a cheesecloth; place in fish kettle, cover with boiling water, quarter cup of vinegar, half pound salt pork, four cloves, half bayleaf, eight peppercorns, six sprigs parsley, small bunch thyme and sweet marjoram, one onion and two teaspoonfuls salt. Cook twelve minutes to the pound. Drain arrange on hot platter and spread inside and out with cucumber pulp seasoned with pepper, salt and lemon juice. Garnish with sliced lemon and sliced cucumbers
Biscuit Crust for Chicken Pie
Mix one pint of sifted flour, one level teaspoonful salt and four level teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Chop in two level teaspoonfuls of lard and two of butter till fine, then wet with milk to a stiff dough. Toss on a floured board, roll out to the size of the dish, grease the edge of the dish and over with the paste, pressing it well against the side of the dish. Make a deep cross in the centre, turn back the edges, insert a cone of stiff white paper well buttered and bake about forty minutes.
Tomato Custard
Mix one pint of stewed tomatoes with quarter of a cupful of bread crumbs; add one tablespoonful of finely chopped onion, one teaspoon of sugar, half a teaspoonful of salt, quarter of a teaspoonful of pepper; pour into a buttered baking dish. Beat four eggs, add a quarter of a teaspoonful of salt, a teaspoonful of sugar and a cup and half of milk. Stir over hot water till thickened very slightly pour over the tomato mixture and bake in a slow oven until set, about three quarters of an hour.
Potatoes Au Gratin
Make a cream sauce from one tablespoonful of flour, two tablespoonsful of butter and one cupful cream or milk and season to taste with salt and cayenne. Boil up once and remove from the fire. Beat the yolks of three eggs lightly and add to the cream sauce; also half a cupful of grated cheese. Slice six boiled potatoes (freshly boiled preferred). Into a baking dish put a layer of potatoes and sauce alternately until the dish is full. Have a last layer sauce. Sprinkle with cheese and bake in a quick oven ten minutes, or until nicely browned. Serve in the baking dish.
Pumpkin Pie
Wash and dry the pumpkin. Remove the seed and soft inside. Grate without peeling on a moderately fine grater. To each cup of the grated pumpkin add 1/2 cup sugar, 1 egg well beaten, one tablespoon molasses, 1 teaspoon ginger, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, a pinch of salt and one coffee cup rich milk. Line deep pie plates with rich paste, fill two-thirds full of the custard, and bake in a moderate oven for one and one-half hours.
Fried Muffins
Mix together one teaspoonful baking powder, one saltspoonful of salt, two cupfuls of flour, one egg beaten light with one quarter cupful of sugar, three quarters cupful of milk and flour to make a stiff batter. Drop by the spoonful into hot fat and fry to a golden brown, keeping them turning constantly. These are excellent made without sugar and served with hot maple syrup.
Lemon Jelly
Soak half a box of gelatine in half a cup of cold water for half an hour; dissolve in two cups of boiling water, add a cup of sugar, half a cup of lemon juice, a teaspoon of orange extract and strain. Turn out and fill the centre with rich cream, whipped sweetened and flavored wit vanilla. Garnish at the base with lemons sliced in thin rounds.