Results for ‘ •RECIPES•’
[Welland Telegraph December 1900]
Candied Chestnuts
Shell as many chestnuts as will be required and drop them into boiling water, allow them to cook briskly for fifteen minutes, strain and rub off the thin outer skin. Dip each chestnut in white of egg and roll in white powdered sugar. When all are coated lay them on a sheet of white paper in a moderate oven to harden. Prepared in this way they are delicious.
Escalloped Sweet Potato with Oysters
Boil six sweet potatoes, slice them the round way. Place a layer in a baking dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper, add small pieces of butter. Now add a layer of oysters and of cracker crumbs, then sweet potatoes, etc. until the dish is full. Pour over this one teacupful of oyster liquor and bake about twenty minutes.
Potatoes Royale
One pint of hot boiled potatoes, a generous half cupful of cream or milk, two tablespoonfuls of butter, the whites of four eggs and yolk of one, salt and pepper to taste. Beat the potato very light and fine. Add the seasoning, milk and butter and lastly the froth. Turn into a buttered escalop dish. Smooth with a knife and brush over with the yolks of the eggs, which have been well beaten. Brown quickly and serve. It will take ten minutes.
French Bread
Scald 1 pt milk and add 1 pt water, let cool, dissolve 1 yeast cake in a little warm water, add the milk, also 1 teaspoon salt and the same of sugar. Beat thoroughly and stir in sufficient flour to make a dough, after which beat for 10 minutes. Knead on the board until soft and spongy, adding a little flour. Let rise, form into loaves, having floured the hands to prevent the dough from sticking to them, and let rise three hours. Bake in a moderate oven.
Rabbit Pie
Take a nice rabbit, cut it up in small pieces and lay it in cold water thirty minutes, then take it out of that water and put it in a kettle with hot water enough to cover the rabbit; add a little salt, pepper and two onions; let it boil twenty minutes, have ready a deep pudding dish, put the rabbit onto it, take a teaspoonful of flour, wet it and pour into the hot water the rabbit has been taken from to thicken it; when it boils up once pour over the rabbit; add a piece of butter the size of an egg, salt to taste; now put over this a nice crust made with one cup of milk, one half cup of lard, one heaping teaspoonful of baking powder and flour enough to roll out; put over the rabbit and bake half an hour in a slow oven.
Cranberry Sauce
Put three pints of washed cranberries in a granite stewpan having a tight cover. On top of them put three cups of granulated sugar and three gills of water. Cover and after they begin to boil cook them ten minutes closely covered and do not stir them. If they are inclined to boil over, draw the pan back a little or lift the cover for an instant and press the fruit down under the syrup. The skins will be soft and tender and the berries will not lose their shape if they are not stirred. When cool the whole mass will be jellied slightly. A convenient way to remember these proportions is by this formula,- Half as much sugar as fruit. and half as much water as sugar.
Plum Pudding
Six buttered crackers rolled fine and soaked in three pints of milk. Cream one-quarter of a cup of butter with one cup of sugar, add half a teaspoonful of salt. one teaspoonful of mixed spice and six well beaten eggs. Stir it all into the milk and add one pound of the best raisins. Bake in a deep pudding dish well greased with cold butter. Bake very slowly in a moderate oven three hours. Stir several times during the first hour to keep the raisins from settling.
Beef Salad
Cut the beef into thinnest slices possible with a particularly sharp knife; put it in a salad bowl with alternate slight sprinklings of salt and pepper; make a top layer of strips of anchovies, smoked herring, capers, sliced gherkins and finely chopped chervil, chives, small onions, etc. Pour over this a plain salad seasoning of pepper, salt, mustard, tarragon vinegar and oil, well beaten up and serve without disturbing the arrangement of the dish.
Diced Turnips
Wash and cut a French turnip into half or three-quarter inch slices then pare and put the slices together again, and cut into slices then at right angles, making cubes or dice. Cook in boiling salted water until tender. Drain very dry, and keep hot and partially uncovered on the back of the range until ready to serve; then drain again, and turn into a dish and pour prepared butter over them. For one quart of the turnips allow one heaped tablespoonful of butter, rub it to a cream in a bowl, add half a teaspoonful of pepper and a saltspoonful of pepper. Pour this over the hot turnips and garnish with a little parsley.
Oyster A La Delmonico
Take one quart liquid oysters, drain and put the liquor from the oysters in a stewpan and add one half as much water, teaspoonful of salt, one fourth teaspoonful of pepper, a teaspoonful each of butter and rolled cracker for each person to be served. Put on the stove and let boil. Then pour in the oysters.Let come to the boiling point. Have bowls ready with one and one-half tablespoonfuls of cold milk for each person. Pour the stew on this and serve. Never boil the milk.
[Welland Telegraph September 1900]
Quince Butter
Pare and core the fruit, cook it up rather fine, cover with water and cook until tender. At the same time in another kettle simmer the cores and skins in just enough water to keep them from burning. When cooked quite soft, strain off the liquor from the cores and skins and add it to the fruit. Allow 3-4 pound of sugar to each pound of the quince. Boil the whole stirring constantly, until it is smooth and firm. Then put in jars and seal. Keep in a cool dry place.
Quince Jelly
Rub the fruit with a cloth until perfectly smooth, cut in small pieces and pack tight in a kettle, cover with cold water, and boil until tender. Pour the fruit in a three-cornered jelly bag and hang up to drain.
To a pint of juice allow a pint of sugar and boil 15 minutes or until it will jelly. Pour into jelly tumblers, let stand for 24 hours, then cover. One-third apple juice may be added. If quinces are scarce an excellent jelly may be made from the parings and cores alone, proceeding exactly the same as if the entire fruit were used.
Spiced Quinces
Peel, core and quarter the quinces, weigh them and put into a preserving kettle with only enough water to prevent their burning, cover and let them cook over the back of the fire about twenty minutes. Into another kettle put for eight pounds of fruit four pounds of sugar, one ounce of stick cinnamon,half an ounce of whole cloves and one quart of vinegar.When this liquid is boiling turn in the quinces and let them cook until tender, but retain their shape. Skim out the fruit and put into a jar;the boil the liquid down to a rich syrup and pour over them.
Cheese Salad
Mash very fine the cold yokes of three hard-boiled eggs and rub with them a coffee cupful of finely grated cheese, a teaspoonful of mustard, a saltspoonful of salt and one-half as much white pepper. When all are well mixed add two tablespoonfuls each of oil and vinegar, alternately. Heap this upon fresh lettuce and garnish with the whites of eggs cut into rings, and a few tips of celery. Serve with hot buttered crackers.
Tomatoes with Rice
Scald and peel three large, smooth tomatoes. Cut them in halves, scoop out the seeds and juice without breaking the pulp. Scald the juice enough to strain out the seeds. To the juice add add sugar to taste and mix with it as much boiled rice as it will absorb; add salt and a little butter. Fill the tomatoes with the mixture. Place each half tomato on a round of buttered bread. Put them in a shallow pan and bake ten minutes or until bread is browned.
Peach Mound
Make three pints of plain lemon gelatine jelly and place in mould with low centre and set away to harden.
Pare, quarter and cut into eights full ripe peaches to fill the centre mould. Slice half the kernels simmer them in a little water, strain the liquid, make a rich syrup with it, and when cold, pour it over the fruit. When ready to serve, turn the jelly out on a dish, fill the cavity with the prepared fruit, heap whipped cream over the top, sprinkle with sliced blanched almonds, and serve with any delicate white cake.
Spiced Grapes
Eight pounds of grapes, mashed and cooked enough to strain out the seeds and skins. Rub all the pulp through. Then add 4 pounds sugar, 1 quart vinegar, 1 tablespoon each of cinnamon and allspice, and 2 teaspoons of cloves. Simmer three hours.
Fromage De Chantilly
One quart of very rich cream, two or three days old, a pinch of fine powdered gum arabie. Put them into an earthen bowl which you have surrounded with broken ice and a handful of salt; whip the cream hard and long until it is smooth as velvet, then add a little powdered sugar, whipping it in gradually; then put it into a wicker basket. It should be heartshaped and lined with a coarse linen cloth. Place this in a deep earthenware dish, being careful to put little pieces of wood an inch thick under the painer de fromage so as to raise it a little, put the earthenware dish in the refrigerator; when ready to serve, turn out the fromage on a deep dish, smother with fresh cream and serve.
[Welland Telegraph October 1900]
Coffee Cream
Put two tablespoonfuls of gelatine to soak in one-half cup of water. Then add two tablespoonfuls of strong coffee, and one-half cup of sugar dissolved in one-half cup of water. Let this mixture stand on the ice until it begins to harden, then beat in one cup of whipped cream. Set it again on ice until it hardens.
A Squash Pie
One and one-half cupfuls sifted squash, one cupful boiling milk, one-half cupful of sugar, one-half teaspoonful salt, one saltspoonful cinnamon and one egg beaten slightly. This is enough for one pie, and if the mixture is too thick add a little more milk. If the squash is watery use less milk and two eggs. A squash pie should be firm enough to cut without any breaking down or oozing out of the filling when divided, this quality should be obtained more from the texture of the squash than from too great use of egg as a thickening agent. A squash pie rich with eggs is too much like a custard. When watery squashes are used and eggs are high a little powdered cracker may be added.
Baked Rice
To bake rice, add a cupful of milk and two well beaten eggs in two cupfuls of cold boiled rice. Beat gently with a fork to free from all lumps, season with salt and pepper, and if liked, a dash of nutmeg. Turn into a buttered dish and bake twenty minutes in a moderate oven. This is a good luncheon dish or a dinner vegetable served with boiled mutton or chicken.
Marbled Cake
One-half cup butter and one cup sugar beaten to a cream, one -half cup sweet milk, one and one half cups flour, one teaspoonful baking powder and whites four eggs added last.
Take one cup of this mixture, add five tablespoons grated chocolate, wet with milk and flavor with vanilla. Put a layer of white mixture in cake pan, drop the chocolate mixture with a spoon, in spots, pour over the remaining white and bake. Ice with chocolate icing.
Peach Shortcake
Dissolve seven-eights of a teaspoonful of soda in two tablespoonfuls of boiling water. Add it to one cupful of thick, sour cream. Turn the mixture into one quart of flour with which one teaspoonful of salt has been mixed
Blend this quickly. Roll into sheets one-half inch thick and cut them out with a two quart basin. Fry them on a griddle browning first on one side and then on the other. Butter a cake and cover it with a layer of cut up and sweetened fruit. Place another cake over it and repeat the process .Serve with sweetened whipped cream.
Puree of Cabbage
Wash well one head of Savoy cabbage and soak in cold water one hour. then drain and shake. Put into a large kettle of boiling salted water and boil very slowly for twenty minutes then drain the cabbage and chop it fine. Put this cabbage into a saucepan and a tablespoonful of butter, a gill of cream, half a tablespoonful of salt and a dash of pepper. Stir until thoroughly hot, then turn into a vegetable dish, cover with squares of toasted bread and it is ready to serve.
Mustard Pickles
Two quarts cucumbers, two quarts green tomatoes, two quarts cauliflower, one quart small onions. Make paste of the following–One large cup flower, one half pound mustard, one and a half pounds sugar, one tablespoonful tumeric powder and one gallon cider vinegar. Stir paste until it boils, then turn it over the vegetables which have soaked over night in weak brine. Brine to be hot when turned on vegetables.
Preserved Citron Melon
Peel citron melon and cut it into pieces about two inches square. Put into water containing an ounce of alum to a gallon of water, and boil until tender. Drain off the water and throw it away. For each pound of melon allow a pound of sugar and a cupful of pure water and of this make a syrup. Boil until clear, skimming frequently. To each pound of fruit put a sliced lemon and a little green ginger root, also sliced, adding this to the syrup after you have put in the fruit. This should cook fifteen minutes in all, ten minutes after the addition of the ginger and lemon.
[Welland Telegraph November 1900]
Gingerbread Loaf
Melt four ounces of butter in a basin and stir into it by degrees a teaspoonful of molasses. Add half a teaspoon of mixed spice, one teaspoonful of ground ginger, one teaspoonful of carbonate of soda and a teacupful of warm milk. Sprinkle in sufficient flour (stirring the ingredients all the time) to bring the cake mixture to the consistency of a thick batter, beat it well, add two tablespoonfuls of split raisins which have been slightly dredged with flour, and a tablespoonful of chopped lemon peel, candied. Butter a cake tin, dust it with flour, pour in the mixture and bake it in a moderately quick oven.
Bread Muffins
To make them, soak one cupful of stale bread crumbs in one cupful of milk for thirty minutes. Then add to the mixture the beaten yolk of one egg, one half tablespoonful of melted butter, one half teaspoonful of salt and three-quarters cupful of flour. Beat until smooth and fold carefully one tablespoonful of baking powder and stiffly beaten white of the egg. Bake in gem pans for half an hour. The oven should be quick.
Squash Muffins
One cup of squash as prepared for the table, a cup of milk, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, a tablespoonful of melted butter, a teaspoonful of baking powder sifted with flour enough to make a dough as thin as possibly can be handled. Roll out, cut in biscuit shape and bake. If preferred the batter may be thinner and dropped in muffin rings.
Baked Cauliflower
A good firm head should be soaked in slightly salted cold water for at least an hour. It is then drained, put in a saucepan with boiling water, salted again and simmered gently for fifteen minutes. Drain once more, and separate the cauliflower into flowerets, putting the pieces in a baking dish with a little boiling milk, butter and seasoning of salt and pepper. Sprinkle the top with cracker or bread crumbs, and put in oven long enough to brown.
Apple Pudding
A delicious pudding is made from apples in this way,–Take six, peel and core them and fill the centre with sugar. Arrange the apples in a baking dish, add a quarter of a cup of water, cover and bake until nearly done. Then pour over them a batter made with four eggs, a pint of milk, a scant pint of flour sifted, with a teaspoonful each of salt and baking powder. Bake about twenty minutes and serve with hard sauce.
Date Gems
One cup dates cut fine, 2 cups sweet milk, 1 large spoon butter, 1 teaspoon baking powder and 3 cups flour. One beaten egg should be stirred in with the flour. Bake in gem pans 20 minutes in a hot oven. Chopped dried fruit may be substantiated for the dates.
Bread Sauce
Cook half a cup of bread crumbs and a cup and a half of milk over hot water for twenty minutes. Add a tablespoon of butter, salt and pepper to season. Brown half a cup of bread crumbs in a tablespoonful of butter and sprinkle liberally over both timbales and sauce.
From Sister Mary’s Kitchen
[Welland Tribune 1931]
Almond Cheese Cake
Two cups cottage cheese, 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup butter, 1 tablespoon cornstarch. 1 lemon, 3 eggs, 1/2 cup blanched and shredded almonds, 1/2 teaspoon salt, plain pastry.
Cream butter. Add sugar, salt and cornstarch sifted together. beat until creamy. Beat yolks of eggs until thick and lemon colored and mix with cheese. Add creamed butter and sugar mixture with juice and grated lemon rind and almonds to cheese mixture. Beat whites of eggs until stiff on a platter, using a wire whisk. Fold into first mixture and turn into a deep pie dish lined with plain pastry. Bake forty-five to sixty minutes in a moderate oven. When firm to the touch the cheese cake is done. The heat must be very moderate for intense heat will make the custard hard and tough.
Folkstone Cheese Cake
One and one-half cups milk, 3/4 cup sugar, 4 tablespoons butter, 1/2 cup finely grated dry bread crumbs, 3 eggs, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 lemon, 1/2 cup cleaned currants, plain pastry.
Heat milk with bread crumbs and cook over hot water for fifteen minutes, stirring to make smooth. Add butter, sugar, grated rind of lemon, salt and eggs well beaten. Cook over hot water until mixture thickens. Let cool slightly and pour into a pie dish lined with pastry. Sprinkle with currants and bake until mixture is firm to the touch. It will take about half an hour
It’s a good idea to brush the pastry over with slightly beaten egg white before adding the filling. This ensures a crisp crust.
Chocolate Bread Pudding
One and 1/4 cups stale bread crumbs, 2 cups scalded milk, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 square bitter chocolate., 1 egg. 1/8 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla.
Scald milk over hot water. Add crumbs and let stand 20 minutes. Melt chocolate over hot water, adding half the sugar and enough milk taken from the bread and milk mixture to make thin enough to pour easily. Add to bread and milk mixture with remaining sugar, salt, vanilla and eggs slightly beaten. Turn into a buttered pudding dish and bake 50 minutes in a moderately slow oven. Serve warm with or without hard sauce.
Stuffed Apples
Four large apples, 1/2 pound bulk sausage, whole cloves.
Wash apples and remove cores, stick a few cloves into the flesh. Fill cavities of apples with sausage. Put into a covered baking dish with just enough hot water to cover bottom of dish. Cover and put in a hot oven for twenty minutes, Reduce heat and remove cover. Bake in slow oven for one hour, basting frequently with liquid in baking dish.
Sausage with Candied Apples
One pound sausage, 4 apples, 1 cup vinegar, 2 cups brown sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cloves, cracker dust.
Small sausages or link sausage should be used. Parboil for thirty minutes. Then prick well and cook in a hot frying pan for thirty minutes longer, turning frequently to brown on all sides. In the meantime make a syrup of vinegar, sugar and spices. Pare apples and cut in slices about one half inch thick. Remove cores and drop into boiling syrup. Simmer until clear. Remove from syrup and roll in cracker dust. Brown quickly in hot sausage fat and serve as border around sausage.
Potato Fried Cakes
One cup hot mashed potatoes, 4 tablespoons butter, 3 eggs, 1 1/4 cups sugar, 1 cup milk, 4 cups flour. 6 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg.
Add butter to hot mashed potatoes and beat well. Beat eggs with sugar and stir into first mixture. Mix and sift flour, salt, baking powder and nutmeg and add alternately with milk to first mixture. add vanilla.Cover mixing bowl and let mixture chill for one hour. Dust molding board and rolling pin with flour and turn dough onto board. Roll lightly to one half inch thickness and cut with a floured cutter. Fry in deep hot fat and drain on crumpled paper. Do not pile one above the other until cool.
From Sister Mary’s Kitchen
[Welland Tribune 1931]
Apple Croquettes
Six tablespoons butter, 1/2 cup flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon white pepper, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 cups sweet cider, 1 cup minced raw apples, 1 egg, dried bread crumbs.
Melt butter and stir in flour. When bubbling slowly add cider, stirring constantly. Bring to the boiling point, stirring constantly, and cook until thick and smooth. Season with salt, pepper and cinnamon and remove from fire. Stir in apples which have been pared and cored and finely minced. Let stand until cold and firm. Shape into eight small croquettes, roll in crumbs, dip in egg slightly beaten with 2 teaspoons cold water and roll again in crumbs. Fry in deep hot fat until a golden brown and drain on crumpled paper.
Scalloped Parsnips and Pineapple
Four good sized parsnips, 1 small pineapple or 1 can sliced pineapple, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 cup chicken stock or water.
Parboil parsnips after scrubbing and scrapping. Cut in rounds about 1/2 inch thick. Cut pineapple in pieces of equal size and shape. Place in alternate layers in a buttered baking dish, sprinkling each layer with brown sugar and cinnamon and dotting with butter and flour rubbed together. Sprinkle with salt and pour in chicken stock or water. Bake in moderate oven until both parsnips and pineapple are tender. Serve from baking dish. It will take about 45 minutes for the mixture to bake.
Combination Cabbage Salad
Three cups finely shredded cabbage,1 cup cubed tart apple, 1/2 cup thinly sliced celery, 1 cup grated pineapple, cooked salad dressing.
Let cabbage stand in cold water to become very crisp. Drain and combine at once with prepared apple and pineapple and celery. Add enough salad dressing to make moist and serve on a bed of lettuce.
Date Cake
One cup hot water, 1 cup stoned and chopped dates, 1/2 cup chopped nut meats, 1 egg, 1 1/3 cups flour, 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon soda, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, 2 tablespoons butter.
Pour hot water over dates. Cream butter and add half the sugar. Mix thoroughly and add egg well beaten with remaining sugar. Stir soda into date and water mixture and add at once to egg mixture. Add flour, salt and nut meats and beat well. Add vanilla and turn into an oiled and floured pan and bake 40 minutes in a moderate oven. Serve plain or with whipped cream.
A very simple pie filling is made by cooking 1/2 pound stoned dates with 1 cup of water until the mixture thickens. Turn into a baked pie shell and cover with 1 cup of cream whipped until firm and sweetened with 3 tablespoons powdered sugar and flavored with a few drops of vanilla.
Date and Nut Torte
Two eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup chopped nut meats, 1 cup chopped dates, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons thin cream, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Beat whites and yolks of eggs separately. Beat whites until stiff and dry. Beat in sugar and add yolks of eggs beaten until thick and lemon colored Mix and sift flour, salt and baking powder and combine with dates and nuts. Add with cream and vanilla to first mixture. Turn into an oiled and floured cake pan and bake 50 minutes in a slow oven. Serve cold with whipped cream..
Apple Butter
Three gallons sweet cider, 2 gallons “snitz”, 4 pounds granulated sugar.
“Snitz” are apples which have been pared and cored and cut in very small pieces.
Boil cider for ten minutes and skim well. Add prepared apples and cook until tender. When apples become soft stir to prevent burning. When mixture is smooth add sugar and cook until thick.
Put into sterilized jars and seal If spices are wanted the flavor is better if they are added just before serving. These proportions will make about 6 quarts of apple butter.
Apple Chutney
Two and one-half pounds thickly sliced apples, 1 pound medium brown sugar, 1 pound sultana raisins, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 dessertspoon white mustard seed, 1 tablespoon powdered ginger, 1 tablespoon minced onion, 1/2 teaspoon pepper, 2 cups cider vinegar
Pare, core and slice apples. Put apples, sugar and vinegar into preserving kettle and simmer until apples are tender but not broken. Add remaining ingredients cook until mixture is thick. Pour into sterilized jars and seal while hot.
More onion can be added if liked although this seasoning is quite satisfactory.
Apple Marmalade
Four pounds sour apples, 3 pounds granulated sugar, 2 lemons, 2 oranges, 1/2 cup water.
Pare , core apples and chop coarsely. Squeeze juice from orange and put rind through food chopper. Cut lemon in very thin slices, discarding seeds. Put water in preserving kettle. Add a layer of apple and sprinkle with sugar. Continue layer for layer of apple and sugar until all is used. Put over a slow fire and bring to boiling point. Add remaining ingredients and cook until apples are soft and mixture is thick. Stir to prevent burning. Pour into sterilized jars and seal while hot.
From Sister Mary’s Kitchen
[Welland Tribune 1931]
Eggs baked in Hominy
Four eggs, 3 cups cold cooked hominy, 3-4 cup grated cheese, 2 tablespoons butter, 1-2 teaspoon salt, pepper.
Pack hominy into buttered baking dish and make four hollows for the eggs. Sprinkle with half the cheese and place in a hot oven until cheese is melted. Remove from oven and drop an egg into each hollow, taking care not to break yolk. Dot with butter, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Return to the oven until eggs are set, about ten minutes. Serve from baking dish.
Rice Bavarian Cream
Three tablespoons rice, 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine, 4 tablespoons of cold water, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1/2 cup whipping cream.
Cook rice in milk in double boiler until milk is absorbed. Soak gelatine in cold water for five minutes and add to rice. Add sugar and salt and beat over hot water for one minute. Cool and add vanilla. When cold fold in cream whipped until firm. Turn into a mold and let stand on ice for several hours to chill and become firm. Unmold and serve with stewed and chilled fruit.
Carrots and Cheese
Three cups cooked and mashed carrots, 3 tablespoons melted butter, 1-2 teaspoon salt, 1 cup stale bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons minced chives, 4 tablespoons grated cheese.
Combine carrots, butter, salt bread crumbs and chives. Place in a buttered caserole and cover with grated cheese. Bake fifteen minutes in a moderate oven or until cheese melts and becomes a golden brown on top.
Squash Croquettes
Two cups cooked and mashed squash, 1/4 cup finely chopped nutmeats, 2 tablespoons melted butter, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons cream, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon pepper.
English walnuts, pecans and hickory nut meats are the best nuts to use. Combine squash, melted butter, salt and pepper and nuts. Add egg well beaten and cream. Shape into small balls or cylinders and roll in fine dried bread crumbs. Dip in egg slightly beaten with 1 tablespoon water and roll again in crumbs. Place in frying basket and fry in deep fat hot enough to brown an inch cube from the soft part of the loaf in 40 seconds. If a fat thermometer is used it should register 390 degrees Fahrenheit. Fry a golden brown, drain on crumpled paper and serve.
Celery Loaf
Two cups minced cooked celery, 2 cups coarse stale bread crumbs, 1 cup chopped nut meats, 2 tablespoons butter, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon white pepper, 1/2 cup hot milk.
Cook celery as dry as possible, letting water cook away. Add all ingredients and pack into a well buttered brick-shaped pan. Bake one hour in a moderate oven, basting several times with two extra tablespoons butter melted in 1/2 cup boiling water. Unmold and pour hot tomato sauce or medium white sauce around the loaf. Garnish with sprigs of parsley.
[Welland Tribune December 22, 1931]
A Batch of Christmas Cookies From Sister Mary’s Kitchen
Anybody can make good cookies if she but follow the recipe and it’s always a great help to have a well stocked cookie jar on hand for holiday hospitality. Then, too, an attractive box containing an inviting assortment of cookies makes a charming remembrance for family friends. Such a greeting carries with it a personal touch, a real expression of friendship, and has the added advantage of being useful and not too expensive.
You can decorate cookies with candied fruits and colored icings to make them look decidedly festive and Christmasy. You can cut them in fancy shapes of infinite variety—birds, animals, Christmas trees, stars, wreathes and even Saint Nicholas himself. You can go so far as to make the centerpiece for the Christmas dinner of cookie dough finally can be eaten.
Of course, only the “keeping” varieties of cookies should be chosen. The gift boxes must be packed several days in advance and the cookie jars replenished in order to avoid last minute panics. More than this, many of the traditional Christmas cookies improve if they are allowed to “ripen” a few days before using. All the honey cookies as well as butter cookies keep excellently.
Springerle cakes are a German cookie always baked at Christmas time. The springerle boards can be purchased in any house-furnishing shop and are made up of quaint attractive designs. If these cakes are made according to the traditional method of the German Hausfrau the process is long and tedious since one hour of constant stirring is necessary. The quicker method uses baking powder and dover beater with satisfactory results.
Springerle Cakes
Three eggs, 1 1/3 cups granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon anise seed or 3 or 4 drops of anise oil. 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, about 2 cups flour, few grains salt.
Beat eggs until light, gradually beating in sugar and using dover beater. Beat until this mixture is very light in color and fluffy in texture. The sugar should be thoroughly dissolved, and no graininess apparent. Mix and sift flour, salt and baking powder. Add with grated lemon rind and anise seed to egg mixture. Stir until perfectly blended, making a stiff dough. Roll on a lightly floured molding board into a sheet about 1/4 inch thick. Press floured springerle board hard on the dough to stamp with designs. Cut out along the lines, making little squares. Let dry overnight or about ten hours. Bake in buttered pans in a moderately slow oven until a pale straw color. The oven should be about 325 degrees F. and the little cakes should bake thirty minutes. Springerle are quite hard when first baked but grow tender as they ripen.
Another delicious cookie with a European flavor is the famous Lebkuchen
One pound strained honey, 1 pound pulverized sugar, 6 eggs, 1/2 pound blanched and shredded almonds, 1/2 pounds shredded citron, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1 teaspoon cloves, 2 teaspoons grated nutmeg, grated rind 2 lemons, 1/2 teaspoon soda, 4 cups flour, 1/4 teaspoon salt.
Heat honey until hot the night before the cookies are made. Stir in enough sifted flour to make a stiff dough and set aside to cool.
In the morning beat eggs until very light with sugar and work into the honey mixture. Use a wooden spoon and work until smooth. I warn you that this stirring is hard work. Mix and sift soda, spices and salt with 4 cups flour and add with lemon rind, citron and nuts to first mixture. Knead lightly, adding more flour if necessary. Roll into a sheet about 1/4 inch thick and cut in oblong pieces one and one half inches wide and three inches long. Bake on an oiled pan in a moderate oven for fifteen or twenty minutes. When cool cover with a thin icing by mixing confectioners sugar to a paste with boiling water. The recipe makes about eight dozen cookies. If you use half the rule be sure to use half of each ingredient.
Rolled Ginger Cookies
Ginger cookies are cunning cut in fancy shapes. This cookie dough is firm enough to prevent the baked cookies from breaking.
Four tablespoons shortening, 1/3 cup light brown sugar, 4 tablespoons baking molasses, 1 egg, 4 tablespoons hot water, ¼ tablespoon ginger, ¼ teaspoon soda, 2 cups flour, 1/8 teaspoon salt.
Cream shortening in a warm bowl and gradually beat in the sugar and molasses. Add egg well beaten. Mix well and add hot water. Mix and sift flour, ginger, salt and soda and add to mixture. Chill for several hours. Roll on a floured board into a very thin sheet and cut with cookie cutters. Bake in a hot oven for eight minutes.
Vanilla Cookies
One half cup shortening (butter preferred), 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon milk, 2 eggs, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 2 ½ cups flour, ½ teaspoon salt , 1 teaspoon vanilla.
Cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs well beaten with milk and vanilla. Mix well and add flour mixed and sifted with salt and baking powder. Chill. Roll on a lightly floured board into a thin sheet and cut with cookie cutters. Bake eight minutes in a hot oven.
The following little chocolate cookies are almost a confection:
Chocolate Drops
Two squares bitter chocolate, 1 can condensed milk, 3 cups shredded cocoanut, ½ teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon vanilla, 2 tablespoons flour, ¼ teaspoon baking powder.
Mix and sift flour, salt and baking powder and combine with cocoanut. Melt chocolate over hot water. Add condensed milk and prepared cocoanut. Stir until thoroughly blended. Drop from teaspoon onto an oiled cookie sheet and bake in a moderately hot oven for twenty minutes.
Fig squares are another delicious cookie.
Fig Squares
One and one half cups figs cut in small pieces, 1 cup granulated sugar, 3 eggs, 1 cup of flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, ½ teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon lemon juice.
Beat yolks of eggs until light. Beat in sugar and lemon juice. Add figs and flour, baking powder and salt mixed and sifted. Mix thoroughly and fold in whites of eggs beaten until stiff. Spread the mixture thinly in an oiled and floured dripping pan. Bake twenty –five to thirty minutes in a moderate oven. Cut in squares and remove from pan. Roll in powdered sugar.
[Welland Tribune November 18, 1931]
No holiday menu is complete without at least a narrow wedge of mince pie. And for meals during the entire holiday season mince pie makes an acceptable dessert. Mince meat is used to make delicious puddings.
Since mince meat improves if allowed to stand a few weeks after making and before using in pies, the foresighted housewife makes her mince meat in November to give it time to ripen. The flavors blend as in any spiced concoction and the result is an enticing mixture without any predominating flavor.
“Proper” mince meat is made with boiled cider and there are several brands of commercially prepared boiled cider on the market. However, sweet spiced vinegar from sweet pickles or a mixture of grape juice, orange juice and lemon juice can be substituted with good results. Sweet cider can be boiled with the other ingredients if it is at hand.
The modern mince meat is quite different from the concoctions of our grandmothers. Fifty years ago mince meat lived up to its name and actually was thick with meat. The old recipes or “receipts” call for a few raisins and spices to give flavor but the main ingredients were meat, suet, apples and boiled cider. Today some cooks make mince entirely without meat, using nuts, candied fruits, currants, raisins, reserves and fruit juices carefully seasoned with sugar and spices.
The following rule is a combination of the modern and old-fashioned mixture.
Mince Meat:
Two pounds lean beef,
¾ pound beef suet,
4 pounds apples,
2 pounds seeded raisins,
1 pound cleaned currants,
1 pound shredded citron,
¼ pound candied orange peel,
¼ pound candied lemon peel,
2 pounds light brown sugar,
2 quarts sweet cider or the equivalent in fruit juices,
1 cup molasses,
1 cup meat stock,
2 tablespoons salt,
1 nutmeg grated,
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon,
1 teaspoon ground allspice,
1 cup preserved cherries or strawberries.
Any part of the beef can be used that is lean. Some people prefer the tongue to any other part. It must be boiled until very tender and carefully trimmed before chopping. Cook meat in boiling water until tender, adding 1 ½ teaspoon salt when half done. Add water as necessary and remove scum as it rises.
When meat is tender boil rapidly to reduce stock to one cup. Let cool in stock. When cool remove from stock and carefully trim away bits of fat, bone or gristle. Put meat through food chopper and strain stock. Mince suet, Pare core and chop apples and chop raisins. Put all ingredients except preserves into preserving kettle. Bring to the boiling point and cook over a low fire for about two hours, stirring to prevent sticking, add preserves.